English Language Teachers in Diaspora: A Heideggerian Phenomenology
Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis; lived experiences; ESL/EFL teachers; Filipino teachers abroadAbstract
Working abroad has been a job that many Filipino teachers embarked on due to the benefits it offers. This paper explores the lived experiences of the ten (10) Filipino ESL and EFL teachers working in Mozambique, Cambodia, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Cambodia, Japan, Laos, Singapore, Vietnam, and Thailand. These teachers have been in service for three (3) years and more. The study employed a qualitative phenomenological research design. It used Heideggerian’s Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) with illustrated steps. The researcher uses a semi-structured interview to identify the lived experiences these participants have come across. The virtual data are gathered by means of Skype and Facebook Messenger. After an intensive analysis of the data, five themes emerged: (a) the driving force of the participants; (b) boons of the sojourn; (c) life learning encounters with students, and (d) scaffolds for the success of the sojourn. The findings reveal that the sojourn of the teachers in a foreign land had produced positive results and meaningful life experiences that had developed them economically, personally, and professionally. For future directions, researchers may delve deeply into the informants’ cultural encounters with their students and colleagues.
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