Effects of Facilitating Condition, Social Influence and Self-Efficacy on Science Teachers’ Integration of Digital Technology in South Africa: A Regression-Based Approach


  • Samuel Jere
  • Mamotena Mpeta


Digital technology; Facilitating condition; Self-efficacy; Science; Social influence; Rural communities


The ongoing failure to raise academic achievement in certain science subjects across rural areas of South Africa necessitates the consideration of technology-enhanced instructional approaches, as such strategies can augment learners’ understanding. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the integration of digital technologies in teaching sciences in a rural district of South Africa. The study was guided by the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology as the theoretical framework. A cross-sectional survey was used to collect quantitative data. The research instrument was a questionnaire related to science teachers’ integration of digital technology. The sample size was 158 participants, who were selected using convenience sampling. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and stepwise multiple linear regression. The study found that science teachers’ integration of digital technology was moderate. Stepwise multiple linear regression revealed that facilitating condition (? = 0.446, t = 6.088, p < .05) was the most important predictor of teachers’ integration of digital technology, followed by self-efficacy (? = 0.295, t = 4.857, p < .05) and social influence (? = 0.160, t = 2.213, p < .05). The study offers insights to policymakers and educators on improving the integration of digital technology in science education. Suggestions for accelerating the integration of digital technology in economically disadvantaged rural communities are presented. The implications of the study are that improving facilitating conditions, self-efficacy, and social influence can enhance science teachers’ integration of digital technology. Future research is required to determine changes over time in the teachers’ integration of digital technology through longitudinal studies.



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