Development of Early Childhood Education Teachers in Information and Communication Technologies for Literacy or Pedagogy


  • Lydia Mavuru
  • Alice Kuyayama
  • Joe Phaeton Mukaro


Early childhood education, information and communication technologies, pedagogical practices, 21st century skills


This study aimed to establish how teachers were capacitated to integrate Information, Communication and Technologies (ICT) towards development of 21st century skills among Early Childhood Education level learners, in the Zimbabwean primary schools. This is in the face of a conglomerate of limitations based on teacher capacity, school culture and access to the ICT resources. The study employed an explanatory sequential mixed methods research design. Quantitative data was collected using questionnaires administered to 126 Early Childhood Development teachers drawn from 230 primary schools, followed by qualitative data collection through analysis of documents, focus group interviews and lesson observations with selected teachers. From analysis of quantitative and qualitative data through SPSS and ATLAS.ti respectively, it was found that teacher training colleges were strong in developing ICT literacy. However, they lacked the capacity to empower the teachers to integrate ICTs for instructional purposes. Such findings retard the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the Zimbabwe Vision 2030. These goals regard ICTs as a cornerstone in the production of knowledgeable workers and qualified human resources for development of 21st skills among learners. Thus, the study recommends adoption of a model characterised by an institutional organisational context with organised internal and external support systems that facilitate sustainable provision of balanced technological, pedagogical and content knowledge for successful ICT integration in line with the national vision and global trends.


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