Indonesian Junior High School Students’ Perceptions of Using Digital Storytelling Media in Learning to Write Fantasy Stories
digital storytelling; fantasy story; digital learningAbstract
Using digital storytelling media in Indonesian schools is a new method that helps students with written work, including the writing of fantasy story texts. This study explores and describes the perceptions of junior high school students in Indonesia toward using digital storytelling media (YouTube and Spotify) to write fantasy story texts. This research employed a mixed-methods approach with a case study design. The participants consisted of 132 students from three junior high schools in Banyumas, Indonesia. The sampling technique used was cluster sampling to select schools with equivalent qualifications, followed by random sampling to choose two of the seven classes in each school. The data collection techniques included questionnaires with Likert scales and in-depth interviews. The results of this study demonstrated that most students agreed that digital storytelling media could help them get ideas for writing fantasy story texts; they were flexible, easy to operate, and not boring. Hence, the students wanted to use them again. The researchers' recommendations include that students should improve their digital literacy and teachers and students need to receive training in using digital storytelling. In addition, digital storytelling media developers need to develop more interesting features.
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