A Systematic Review of Blended Learning in Higher Education: Second Language Acquisition through the Community of Inquiry Framework
Systematic review, Community of Inquiry, blended learning, second language acquisition, higher education PRISMAAbstract
This study examined the application of the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework in blended learning environments for second language acquisition in higher education. A systematic literature review was conducted using the PRISMA protocol, analyzing 25 peer-reviewed articles published between 2014 and 2023 from Scopus, Web of Science, and ERIC databases. The review investigated CoI implementation characteristics, the interplay of CoI elements, research methodologies, challenges, and best practices. Findings revealed a predominance of studies on undergraduate English learners, with mixed-methods approaches being most common. The integration of social, cognitive, and teaching presence significantly enhanced language acquisition and student engagement. Key challenges included technological integration, maintaining online engagement, effective instructional design, and addressing varying language proficiency levels. Best practices emphasized the strategic use of mobile applications, fostering online communities, enhancing teaching presence, and implementing personalized learning approaches. Gaps identified in the research included a predominant focus on English language studies, limited exploration at the graduate level, and a scarcity of longitudinal investigations examining long-term outcomes of CoI-informed blended learning. This review provided valuable insights for researchers and practitioners in blended language learning, offering a foundation for future research and implementation strategies. However, the study was limited by its focus on peer-reviewed articles from specific databases.
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