Integrating Translation and Web-Based Learning into Higher Education: Challenges, Self-Esteem, and the Quest for Academic Excellence among Arabic-Speaking Students
academic performance; emerging technologies; student engagement; translation challenges; web-based learningAbstract
This study investigated the nexus between translation challenges and web-based learning in higher education, with a particular focus on how these factors impact Arabic-speaking students’ dissertation writing, engagement, and academic performance. Conducted in Saudi Arabia, the research employed a mixed-methods approach, blending quantitative data from a survey of 166 students, both male and female, with qualitative insights from interviews with 23 teachers and students. The study aim was to understand the effects of engagement strategies, interaction dynamics, and pedagogical design and the incorporation of emerging technologies, including virtual reality and artificial intelligence, on student outcomes. Preliminary findings highlight the crucial roles of engaging content, interactive learning environments, and comprehensive support systems in promoting academic excellence. Moreover, the study emphasizes the significance of leveraging advanced technologies and sound pedagogical practices to enhance the educational experiences and self-esteem of Arabic-speaking students. This research advocates for educational institutions to refine engagement strategies, improve support mechanisms, and continually update their learning initiatives to include innovative technologies and teaching methodologies, thereby optimizing the benefits of web-based learning for student engagement and academic success.
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