Lore Lindu Culture-Based Education Learning Development for Elementary School Students


  • Burhanuddin Arafah
  • Misnah .
  • Bahri .
  • Sriati Usman
  • Bau Ratu
  • Nurwahyuni .
  • Ruslin .


Lore Lindu; culture-based education; learning development


Education is a process of acquiring knowledge and improving communication skills. It also transforms children through a learning process to achieve a specific objective. An example is the usage of Social Studies learning (IPS) to support the development of students as competent citizens in terms of knowledge, intellectual processes, and democratic character to participate actively in public life. The subject equips students with basic and social skills to solve daily problems as prospective adult citizens and the background information needed to proceed to higher education. Therefore, this research aimed to determine the influence of applying Lore Lindu culture-based education learning development to elementary school (SD) students. This was achieved through the adoption of different stages of research and development (R&D), which included preliminary study in the form of needs analysis, literature review to determine solutions to the problems encountered, application of Lore Lindu culture-based education learning development, and formulation of a learning model, expert validation, and implementation. The model was subsequently tested at an elementary school in the Sigi District.  The results were considered for developing social studies education based on the cultural values of Lore Lindu National Park (TNLL).



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