Indonesian Early Childhood Teachers and their Lesson Plans
Effective lesson plans; lesson plans’ alignment; Teacher Professional Program; Indonesian educationAbstract
This study examined the quality of lesson plans developed by early childhood based on criteria set by the Ministry of Education regarding lesson plan components and their alignment. Document analysis was conducted using an observation table based on the guidelines of the Ministry of Education. The analysis comprised two stages: initial examination of lesson plan documents and content analysis. Close reading and thematic coding were performed to identify dominant themes and unique issues. The analysis revealed such issues as poorly formulated learning objectives, misalignment between objectives, activities, and assessments, and uneven development of literacy, numeracy, and arts compared to religious, moral, and identity learning outcomes. Only 1-2 sub-elements of the latter are addressed. Effective planning which aligns activities with learning objectives is crucial for holistic child development. Despite the objective of the in-service Teacher Professional Education Program to improve lesson plan quality, shortcomings still persist, indicating a need for improved teacher training.
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