The Nexus Between Teachers’ Demographic Characteristics and Utilization of 21st Century Collaborative Teaching Strategies in Classrooms


  • Sulaimon Adewale


21st century skills; collaborative teaching; collaborative learning; secondary school; teaching strategy


The purpose of this study was to determine the role that teachers’ demographic characteristics plays in their utilization of collaborative teaching strategies to facilitate collaborative learning among students. The study adopted a quantitative research design and simple random sampling to select 220 respondents among secondary school teachers. An adapted questionnaire with reliability Cronbach alpha coefficient of 0.86 was used to elicit information. The study results were analyzed with the aid of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), using frequency count, percentage, mean score, and analysis of variance. A significant difference was found in the use of collaborative teaching strategies among teachers based on age and gender. Female respondents and younger respondents used the teaching strategies more than the male and older respondents. It is therefore recommended that teachers, especially male and older ones, should be trained and motivated on the ways and manners of integrating collaborative teaching strategies in their teaching in their lessons.


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