Exploring an Innovative Educational Governance Framework: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in a Stakeholder-Driven 'Open Campus Model' in South East Nigerian Universities
Open Campus-Model; Artificial Intelligence; Governance Frameworks, Stakeholder Engagement; Collaborative Learning; Educational InnovationAbstract
As a cornerstone of societal progress, integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into educational methodologies with robust stakeholder engagement represents a pivotal stride towards optimizing the efficacy and relevance of education in an era characterized by rapid development. The disruptive impact of events such as the COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the urgent need for innovative solutions to educational challenges, particularly in Nigeria, where academic activities halted amid the crisis. In response, this study explores the potential of the "Open Campus Model" (OCM), a transformative educational governance framework supported by AI. The research, conducted through a comprehensive literature review and a workshop at Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike, Nigeria, identified key themes: Educational Practices Enhancement, Educational Innovation with AI, Governance and Participation, Collaborative Learning and Inclusivity, and Access and Equity. An unstructured questionnaire with ten questions facilitated in-depth interviews with 63 participants, including university lecturers, administrators and educational stakeholders from South East Nigeria. Data from the interviews underwent thematic analysis, revealing that OCM, supported by AI, enhances educational practices, fosters collaborative learning, and promotes inclusivity and equity. The study concludes that implementing OCM can address current educational challenges in Nigeria, recommending further research to refine and expand the model's application.
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