Research Experience through the Lens of Undergraduate Filipino Pre-Service Physical Educators: An Interpretative Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study
interpretative phenomenology; physical education; Philippines; thesis writing; qualitative approachAbstract
The preparation of pre-service teachers, particularly in conducting research, is an important aspect of teacher training in the Philippine context, where challenges in various dimensions of the academic milieu exist. This interpretative hermeneutic phenomenological (IHP) study delved into the experiences of undergraduate Filipino pre-service physical educators (PSPEs) about the intricacies of research and thesis writing. The study aimed to unravel the lived experiences of these students throughout the research process to clarify how they make sense of these experiences. Conducted at a teacher education institution in Pampanga, the Philippines, 10 PSPEs who had completed their theses participated in the study. Employing a qualitative design, the IHP study used face-to-face in-depth interviews guided by a semi-structured interview protocol guide. Rigorous IHP analytical protocols were utilized to illustrate meanings from the data transcripts, while ensuring trustworthiness and rigor. The findings revealed that research, for the PSPEs, is not merely a technical pursuit but a combination of emotions requiring coordinated actions. For them, research demands fortitude and courage, accompanied by multiple challenges that, when overcome, lead to a fulfilling pursuit. The PSPEs view research as an investment for their future personal and professional undertakings. Considering these findings, a general recommendation is made for teacher education institutions to incorporate holistic support mechanisms that address the technical facets of research and the socio-emotional dimensions, especially for pre-service teachers, to ensure resilience and confidence as they pursue this challenging, yet rewarding, endeavor.
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