A Bibliometric of Student Engagement in Flipped Learning: Current Situation and Way Forward


  • Xue Luo
  • Bity Salwana Alias
  • Jamalul Lail Abdul Wahab


student engagement; flipped learning; CiteSpace; bibliometric


In the context of contemporary educational reform and student-centered teaching approaches, flipped learning is gaining recognition for its proven effectiveness in boosting student engagement. However, systematic research on student engagement within flipped learning environments is scarce. This study addresses this gap by conducting a bibliometric and visualization analysis of 147 articles on student engagement in flipped learning from the Web of Science core collection. Utilizing CiteSpace software, the study delves into the current state and emerging trends in the field. The analysis identifies major research hotspots and cutting-edge areas, including "student interaction”, "learning motivation", "teaching strategies", "learning outcomes", and "educational technology". The findings emphasize the need for increased collaboration among authors and institutions in this domain. Furthermore, the study highlights research hotspots and frontiers such as "personalized learning", "teacher role", "curriculum design", and "learning assessment". Notably, co-citation analysis reveals that research output in this field is led by Mainland China and the United States. Overall, this research, utilizing CiteSpace, effectively identifies influential factors and future trends in student engagement in flipped learning, offering valuable references to advance both research and practice in the field. The study concludes by recommending strategic collaboration and further exploration of identified research frontiers to enhance the effectiveness and reach of flipped learning methodologies.



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