TIGA-Based English Learning Platform for Language Learner Competency Development in a Digital Environment
digital learning environment; English language learner competency; Thai education; TIGA English teaching modelAbstract
This study aimed to develop and implement a digital learning platform (DLP) for English language learners at the junior high school level in Thailand. The study emphasizes the necessity of customizing digital tools to individual needs and behaviors for effective implementation. The successive approximation model (SAM) (Herrholtz, 2020) was used for instructional design, focusing on rapid prototyping and continuous feedback. The DLP was meticulously designed to align with the Basic Education Core Curriculum 2008, the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), and reading literacy under the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). The architecture of the platform prioritized open standards and web services to ensure seamless integration and data exchange, although integration challenges were noted. Content and activities were acquired from the TIGA English teaching model, fostering various language skills through tasks (T), language input (I), genre (G), and authentic assessments (A). The TIGA-based DLP was implemented in 8 schools involving 7 teachers and 212 students. Questionnaires and group discussions were used to obtain participant feedback. The questionnaire data were analyzed quantitatively using means and standard deviations. The discussion data were analyzed qualitatively to identify themes. Positive feedback and challenges were revealed. Identified limitations include the need for additional learning activities, clearer teacher guidelines, and enhancements to the graphical user interface (GUI). These findings highlight the potential of the DLP to enrich English language learning and guide future enhancements in digital learning environments.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Kornwipa Poonpon, Wirapong Chansanam, Kittichai Nilubol, Banchakarn Sameephet, Arnon Jannok, Bhirawit Satthamnuwong, Mahboubeh Rakhshandehroo, Chawin Srisawat

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