Enhancing Elementary Students’ Oral Reading Fluency Through Repeated Reading and Big Books


  • Peter Paul Canuto
  • Yuvimin Lumidao
  • Alize Ballagan
  • Peter Calya-en Jr.
  • Richelle Kathe Laoyan
  • Arnold Oplas


Big Books; elementary students; oral reading fluency; reading fluency; repeated reading


Reading is crucial for learning across all disciplines and to develop an understanding of the ever-changing world. Recently, reading activities in schools have been hampered due to modular and distance learning effected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This study aimed to address students’ oral reading fluency (ORF) and contribute to their reading development in the English language by employing repeated reading and Big Books interventions. Words correct per minute (WCPM) and accuracy rates were the main ORF components measured in this study. The sample involved 21 students in the Grade 4 level at Tinoc Central School (TCS), Tinoc, Ifugao, Philippines. The study employed an action research design and the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills ? Oral Reading Fluency (DIBELS – ORF or DORF) assessment over three periods. The participants’ ORF and the effect of employing repeated reading and Big Books as interventions were quantitatively analyzed. Results indicate that most participants had ORF WCPM and accuracy rates below the Grade 4 benchmark goals for English reading, indicating that they were at risk of reading difficulties. Some participants even attained ORF WCPM and accuracy rates below their grade level. Conclusively, there were positive improvements in the participants’ ORF across the interventions, signifying the impact of repeated reading using Big Books on their reading fluency. Improved ORF fosters a deeper understanding of textual content and enhances communication skills, preparing students for better academic achievements and successful social interactions. Considering the study’s findings, using repeated reading and Big Books to support students’ English reading achievement is highly suggested for elementary reading enhancement.



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