Competency-based Medical Education: An Analysis of the Mandatory Internships of Medical Courses


  • Rafaela Palhano Medeiros Penrabel
  • Paulo Roberto Haidamus de Oliveira Bastos
  • Tânia Gisela Biberg-Salum
  • Maurílio Barbosa de Oliveira da Silva


medical education; competency-based education; curriculum


Medical competence goes far beyond a knowledge of theory to incorporate its application in a variety of clinical circumstances. It includes skills and attitudes for the effective, precise and safe use of this theoretical foundation according to current demands. The objective of this study is to analyze the curricula of mandatory internships in medical programs in Mato Grosso do Sul based on the learning objectives outlined in the teaching plans, relating them to the National Curriculum Guidelines (DCNs) and the CanMEDS framework. The study aims to assess the alignment between the competencies proposed in local curricula and those defined by national and international standards. The present study employed qualitative and descriptive document analysis. It included 36 teaching plans extracted from the curricula of mandatory internships in medical programs from five universities in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Bardin’s content analysis was conducted through three fundamental stages,  supported by the IRaMuTeQ software. The results demonstrate that these curricula align with the DCNs and CanMEDS, reflecting coherence between locally defined competencies and the international expectations. This convergence highlights that both frameworks are essential for ensuring competency-based medical education, equipping professionals to meet the specific demands of the national context as well as the evolving global challenges in healthcare. The analysis of the teaching plans revealed the predominance of learning objectives expressed through verbs such as "know," "develop," and "perform," reflecting the acquisition of knowledge, the development of practical skills, and their application in healthcare delivery, health education, and management. These objectives align with the competencies outlined in the DCNs as well as the roles defined by CanMEDS, covering the dimensions of medical expert, communicator, collaborator, leader, health advocate, scholar, and professional.


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