The Influence of a Digital Professional Development Program on Enhancing Thai Teachers’ Learning in Teaching Science Literacy
lesson; professional development program; science literacy; teacher; teachingAbstract
This qualitative case study investigated the learning process of Thai in-service science teachers as they studied science literacy. This learning process was conducted in the form of a professional development program delivered on digital platforms. The program’s design relied on adult learning and pedagogical content knowledge theories and included four phases: knowledge of science literacy, knowledge of pedagogy, integration between knowledge and lessons, and practice in lesson planning. The teachers were selected by a non-probability purposeful sampling technique and participated in the six-day program on weekends. Data from a focus group interview, thirty lesson plans, and ten individual interviews were analysed through conventional content analysis and triangulation techniques. The findings illustrated that the teachers had prior knowledge about scientific literacy but could not completely adapt it to plan effective lessons. However, through inquiry-based approaches such as receiving feedback, sharing lessons, and a community workshop, nine teachers appeared to improve their own lessons by connecting global issues to scientific concepts and local contexts. The findings recommend the use of reflective journals and classroom observations in school settings to obtain more details about teachers’ learning and promote sustainable development of teaching science literacy.
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