The Dual Impact of ChatGPT on Learning and Ethics among Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) Students


  • Ruth Garcia Luciano


ChatGPT; learning efficiency; academic enhancement; ethical concerns; artificial intelligence


This study examines the usage and perceptions of ChatGPT, an AI-driven language model, among Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) students at the Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology (NEUST) in Cabanatuan City, Philippines. Utilizing a descriptive research design, the study investigates both the learning outcomes and ethical concerns associated with ChatGPT's application in academic and professional tasks. The research focuses on how ChatGPT influences students' knowledge acquisition, study efficiency, and satisfaction, along with the ethical challenges perceived in relation to academic integrity. Data were collected using a structured survey from a sample of 200 students selected via stratified random sampling to ensure gender- and year-level representation. Data were analyzed using weighted means to measure satisfaction and ethical concerns, while qualitative responses underwent thematic analysis to explore students’ perspectives on the ethical implications of the tool. The findings reveal that students view ChatGPT as a valuable aid in enhancing learning efficiency and accessing knowledge. However, they also acknowledge significant ethical challenges, including risks of academic dishonesty and over-reliance on AI. The study’s key output is a policy brief with actionable recommendations for educators and policymakers, outlining guidelines for balanced AI usage and ethical frameworks to support responsible integration of AI technologies in education.


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