Teachers’ Perceptions towards Practical Instruction Approach in Teaching Mathematics: A case of Selected Teachers in Ugandan Secondary Schools
teachers’ perceptions; attitude; practical instruction; students; mathematicsAbstract
Globally, there is a need to address learners' academic achievement, which has historically been poor, particularly in underdeveloped countries. Practical instruction (PI) approach has been perceived by many teachers as a better teaching strategy. Students in Ugandan secondary schools have consistently performed poorly in their O'Level national mathematics examinations. This has been attributed to teachers' failure to teach these students with practical approach in some examinable topics, making the subject very abstract to candidates. This qualitative case study analyzed teachers' perceptions of the practical instruction approach to teaching mathematics and its impact on students' academic achievement in mathematics. Sixteen teachers from chosen secondary schools in Kigezi and Ankole regions were interviewed for the study in order to understand more about their opinions on the value and use of practical instruction in the teaching and learning of mathematics. The data gathered were analyzed using thematic analysis. The study showed that teachers regard PI as one of the best teaching methodologies since it incorporates components that help improve students' creativity and critical thinking. The study also indicated that teachers' perceptions of practical instruction approaches for teaching mathematics are diverse and influenced by a variety of circumstances. Creating supportive settings, offering professional development opportunities, and providing access to resources can assist teachers in effectively incorporating practical instruction methodologies into their teaching practice, resulting in improved student learning outcomes in mathematics. It is recommended that teachers should be well prepared before commencing the teaching and learning process, including all PI components.
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