Is “The Earlier, The Better” for EFL in Saudi Arabia? Insights from Early Grades EFL Teachers at Saudi Primary Schools


  • Manar Almanea
  • Mohammad Mohsen
  • Hassan Saleh Mahdi


educational reforms; early language exposure; Saudi Vision 2030; young English learners


In 2021, Saudi state schools introduced mandatory English language instruction starting in the first grade, marking a significant shift in early education. This study explores the perspectives of English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers on the effectiveness of this policy, focusing on students’ overall English proficiency, language acquisition, and cultural skills. It also addresses key challenges teachers face, including the synchronization of learning Standard Arabic with English and adapting curricula for young learners. The research employs a mixed-methods approach, utilizing questionnaires from 86 EFL teachers and follow-up interviews with 14 participants. Through thematic analysis, the study reveals that while teachers generally view early English instruction as beneficial for language development and cultural awareness, challenges such as language interference and age-related learning limitations persist. Teachers emphasized the need for curriculum adjustments, engaging teaching strategies, and enhanced teacher preparation. The findings underscore the need for targeted teacher training and English proficiency reforms to align with broader educational goals.


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