Measuring the Impact of Islamic Values-Based Scientific Literacy on Scientific Competency of Madrasah Teachers
Scientific competence; scientific literacy; Islamic values; STEMAbstract
Based on the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 383, 382, 403 assessment, the scientific literacy level of students in Indonesia remains relatively low. This study seeks to ascertain the outcomes of scientific competency assessments and scientific literacy when combined with Islamic principles, as well as its impact on the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) approach employed in education. The study was carried out from February to November 2023 and included quantitative research methods. The instruments employed in this investigation encompassed observation and test sheets. The research findings on the STEM approach have a substantial influence on the scientific competence and scientific literacy of prospective madrasah instructors. This impact was determined by the independent samples t-test with equal variances. If the significance (2-tailed) is less than 0.05, then the hypothesis is accepted. In this study, the independent samples t-test was used to assess both scientific competence and scientific literacy. It was found that the values obtained indicated equal variances. The significance level was assumed to be less than 0.05, indicating that the hypothesis, which indicates that there is an influence, is accepted. In addition, the control class had an average score of 67.52% on the scientific competency pre-test and a score of 70.85% on the post-test. The experimental class, on the other hand, had a pre-test score of 66.63% and a post-test score of 79.00%. The average score for the scientific literacy test in the control class was 57.63% before the test and 74.90% after the test. In the experimental class, the pre-test score was 61.70% and the post-test score was 77.30%. The statistics clearly indicate a notable disparity in the mean score between the pre-test and post-test scores for both competence and scientific literacy in the experimental class trial. The implementation of the STEM approach resulted in a significant improvement in the average score of prospective teachers (post-test), indicating a positive impact on the scientific competence and literacy of prospective madrasah teachers.
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