Analysis of Innovative and Adaptive Higher Education Curriculum Development to Education 5.0 Based Challenges in Indonesia
curriculum development; higher education; innovative; adaptive learning; education 5.0Abstract
This study comprehensively analyzes the evolving landscape of higher education curriculum development in response to the advent of Education 5.0 in Indonesia. Recognizing the seismic shifts prompted by digital transformation and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the research identifies the imperative to realign educational frameworks to foster twnet-first-century competencies and technological integration and enhance lecturers’ capabilities. This research aims to analyze the development of an innovative and adaptive higher education curriculum to the challenges based on Education 5.0 in Indonesia. Through a qualitative methodology encompassing case studies of three Indonesian universities that have pioneered innovative and adaptive curricula, the investigation sheds light on the strategic orientations and methods employed. Core informants and supporting informant data were amassed through interviews, observations, and documentary analysis involving key stakeholders: universities, industry, government and community representatives. Employing the Miles and Huberman model for data analysis, the findings underscore the necessity for curricula that not only imbibe technological advancements orienting toward twenty-first-century competencies but also integrate technology, humanities and local wisdom in learning prioritize flexibility, learner personalization and stakeholder collaboration in curriculum development and execution. Furthermore, the study highlights the critical role of continuous evaluation and accreditation in upholding curriculum quality and credibility. Collectively, these insights contribute to delineating a framework for higher education curricula that are equipped to meet the demands of Education 5.0, thereby serving as a beacon for curriculum developers, policymakers and educational practitioners aiming to navigate the complexities of contemporary educational dynamics.
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