Work Commitment and School Climate on Productive Pedagogical Teaching Practices
Islamic education teacher; work commitment; school climate; teaching practices; MalaysiaAbstract
Teachers are vital members of the community who devote their lives to developing skilled and productive individuals. Nonetheless, there are still arguments over teachers who do not use proper teaching techniques. It is also asserted that adverse school settings make it more difficult for them to carry out their jobs in an efficient manner. This study's objective was to assess the work commitment, school climate and productive pedagogical teaching practices of Islamic Education teachers (IETs). It also examined how work commitment and school climate relate to and affect IETs' instructional strategies. The study was quantitative in nature and employed a survey research design. A stratified random sampling procedure was used to select 454 IETs employed in Malaysian national secondary schools as the study sample. The study data was analysed using descriptive statistics along with inferential tools like Pearson correlation and multiple regression. The study's conclusions demonstrate that there is a high degree of work commitment, school climate, and IET teaching practices. Pearson's correlation test indicated that IET teaching practices positively influence both school climate and work commitment. The study's results also indicate that the teaching practices of IET are influenced by seven predictive elements. These results are important for the Malaysian Ministry of Education, in emphasising the necessity of in-service training to enhance commitment and proficiency among IETs and to create the supportive learning environment that is crucial to ensure that IETs can effectively fulfil their duties. Some suggestions for further research are also presented in this study.
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