Thai Higher Education Institutions: Roles and Challenges in Attracting International Talent to Accelerate Thai Competitiveness in the Main Economy and Industry
international talent; Thai competitiveness; Thai higher education institutionsAbstract
The growth and development of potential in nationally targeted industries based on the “Thailand 4.0” strategy requires highly skilled labor in specific areas to build new knowledge and competitive capacity in global competition. The formulation of policy, systems, and mechanisms in workforce production and development was the qualified mechanism for attracting and promoting talent to support the systematic mobilization of the national economy. Therefore, this research was aimed at studying the issues and recommendations regarding the roles of Thai higher education institutions (HEIs) in attracting foreign talent to work in Thailand as the mobilization of competitive capacity in main economic sectors and industries. This study was conducted using the constructivist research paradigm and the phenomenological research strategy. The key informants were representatives from 23 organizations whose roles involve talent attraction from foreign countries. Informants were selected through the purposeful sampling method and participated in in-depth interviews. Data were analyzed using content analysis and ensured by triangulation. Issues in attracting foreign-born talent to work in Thailand were summarized based on the findings and classified into three dimensions: (1) bridging gaps of national policies; (2) supporting industry development; and (3) integrating mechanism. Thai HEIs can perform their roles based on the identified components to formulate the policy and develop the talent attraction system. Future research should focus on implementing these recommended strategies in diverse contexts to assess their effectiveness and further refine approaches for attracting international talent to Thailand.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Sornnate Areesophonpichet, Ruttiya Bhula-Or, Watcharapol Malaiwong, Somnapha Phadung, Phithagorn Thanitbenjasith

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