Mapping of Scientific Production on Entrepreneurship Education: A Bibliometric Analysis of a Decade
entrepreneurship education; bibliometric analysis; higher education; VOSviewerAbstract
Entrepreneurship education has received much attention due to the increasingly complex and globalised entrepreneurial environment, leading to the rapid development of related academic research. This study aims to provide a bibliometric analysis of 1017 publications related to entrepreneurship education in the Scopus database from 2014 to 2023, drawing a knowledge map to identify key themes, influential contributors, impactful articles, research trends and future research directions. The results of the biblioMagika analysis showed that entrepreneurship education literature is continuously growing, with Agus Wibowo as the most productive author and Wenzhou Medical University in China the most prolific institution that has attracted wide attention. VOSviewer analysis showed close author and country co-authorship and found that the key terms "Entrepreneurship Education", "Entrepreneurial Intentions" and "Entrepreneurship" were at the forefront of research. Furthermore, the thematic and word maps analysed by Biblioshiny reflected the primary themes of the study, guiding future research directions. However, this study was also limited by using fixed keywords to search the literature in the Scopus database, excluding non-English publications. Overall, this study provides a comprehensive picture of entrepreneurship education research, which helps researchers understand the research status of this field and proposes future research avenues.
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