Learning Approaches of First-Year University Students: A mixed-method study in Chile


  • Joel Alfonso Parra-Díaz
  • Fabián Andrés Muñoz-Vidal
  • Regina F. Alves
  • Nelia Margarita Rodriguez-Garcia


Learning approaches, Achievement, Retention, Higher education, University students


In Chile, the low retention rates among first-year university students are an issue of concern. Additionally, the sustained growth in enrolment in higher education poses challenges for universities due to inequalities in the students' basic and secondary education, increasing the risk of dropout. This study analysed the learning approaches among first-year students in English and Physical Education at three universities in the La Araucanía region and their impact on academic performance and retention rates. The research was carried out using a mixed methodological design, with a quantitative predominance of sequential order QUANT-qual with three phases, starting with a questionnaire to identify learning approaches, complemented with semi-structured interviews with students and concluding with the triangulation of the results obtained in the first and second phases. In the first phase 114 students participated, 46 males and 68 females, and in the second phase 10 students participated, 4 males and 6 females. The results indicated that participants adopted a deep learning approach with a prevalence of moderate intensity. A superficial learning approach correlates with university retention rates, but there is no significant relationship between learning approaches and academic performance. Qualitative findings showed that deep motivation and superficial learning strategies continuously influence participants when they face academic demands.




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