A Bibliometric Literature Review on Trends in the Internationalization of Higher Education
globalization of education; higher education; internationalization of educationAbstract
In recent years, the internationalization of higher education has become a critical theme, reflecting global interconnectedness and the increasing mobility of students and academics. This study aims to identify and analyze trends in internationalization research from 2015 to 2024. Utilizing a bibliometric analysis of 9,180 articles and 44,000 keywords from Web of Science and Scopus databases, the research synthesizes developments in nine key fields over the past decade. Methods include data cleaning, keyword determination, and the use of Excel for data processing and analysis. The results reveal significant progress in understanding the complexities of internationalization, such as student mobility, societal and cultural integration, educational methods, and quality assurance. The study highlights the accelerated role of digital technology due to the COVID-19 pandemic and emerging national security issues. Conclusions offer new theoretical and practical insights into the role of internationalization in higher education outcomes and predict future trends. The findings have significant implications for policy-making, institutional strategies, and future research directions. This research contributes to the literature by providing a comprehensive analysis of past trends and suggesting directions for future studies, emphasizing the need for coordinated efforts from educational institutions, governments, and international organizations. Emphasis is placed on inclusivity and sustainability, with a call for innovative strategies to address emerging challenges and leverage new opportunities in the field of higher education internationalization.
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