ChatGPT as an Artificial Intelligence Learning Tool for Business Administration Students in Nueva Ecija, Philippines


  • Fhrizz S. De Jesus
  • Lyka Mae Ibarra
  • Billie Jack Pasion
  • Winnie Villanueva
  • Marlon Leyesa


artificial intelligence; business administration students; ChatGPT; learning tool


ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) has expanded significantly in recent years, bringing fresh changes to various aspects of modern life. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of ChatGPT as an educational tool for business administration students in Nueva Ecija, Philippines, focusing on improving their engagement, motivation, and understanding of educational content, while examining the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence (AI). The intention was to evaluate how ChatGPT impacts the academic performance of business administration students, focusing on performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and behavioral intention. In addition, the research aimed to categorize the respondents based on age, gender, and academic year to determine if these variables impact the use of ChatGPT as an educational resource for business administration students. A quantitative research methodology was employed to evaluate the subject matter, involving the use of descriptive statistics such as percentages, frequency distribution, weighted mean, and Pearson’s r to analyze the data. The research instrument was designed by us and underwent validity and reliability tests. Regarding the outcomes, most of the participating students were female. In addition, the majority of the respondents fell within the 18?21?year age range and were typically first-year students. It was found that social influence plays a significant role in how study habits are shared among peers, potentially leading to the adoption of ChatGPT. Even though there are advantages to utilizing AI tools, the respondents reported issues with the ChatGPT tool, including inaccurate responses, insufficient writing skills, limited peer interaction, and misconduct. Finally, it is recommended that students studying business administration should not rely exclusively on ChatGPT for their academic writing. By utilizing this approach, individuals can enhance and refine their writing abilities with or without extensive support from ChatGPT.


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