Psychosocial Predictors of Students' Achievement in Mathematics: A Path-Analytical Study


  • Habeeb Omoponle Adewuyi
  • Opesemowo Oluwaseyi Aina Gbolade


anxiety; locus of control; Mathematics achievement; motivation; peer influence


Almost everything a person does involves mathematics, especially in this day and age of science and technology. Therefore, it is essential to ensure success among students regarding achievement in mathematics learning. This study explored how psychosocial variables (self-efficacy, motivation, locus of control, anxiety, and peer influence) contribute to student achievement in Mathematics. Two hundred and forty secondary school students participated in this study. The study employed the correlational design, and data was collected using reliable instruments: (mathematics anxiety scale ? = 0.82; academic self-efficacy scale ? = 0.79; academic motivation scale ? = 0.81; locus of control scale ? =0.84; peer influence inventory ?=.76; and achievement test in mathematics ? =0.88). The model displayed a goodness-of-fit index of 1.000 and a comparative fit index of 1.000, both of which are regarded as perfect fits, according to path analysis. In this model, every path has high significance (p < .01) except for the path coming from motivation to self-efficacy and locus of control (p = .053 and .493), respectively. The study recommended that efforts be made to increase mathematics achievement, emphasising how the many elements considered interact with one another.


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