A Decade of Literature Roadmap on Religious Tolerance Education: A Bibliometric Study Using the Scopus Database
bibliometrics study; religious study; religious tolerance; scopus; tolerance educationAbstract
In multi-religious countries, integrating tolerance education into the curriculum, particularly religious tolerance, is essential to fostering a mindset of tolerance and encouraging harmony amidst diversity. To achieve this, it is necessary to review research development on religious tolerance education conducted by academics from various countries. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the research development on religious tolerance education in Scopus-indexed journals over the last decade through a bibliometric study. This study carried out in four stages, including searching for articles in the Scopus database, filtering, validating metadata, and analyzing bibliometrics with the help of VOSviewer. The results of this bibliometric study present seven main findings, as follows: The publication trend on tolerance topics increased from 2013 to 2022; Indonesia emerged as the leading contributor to publications on religious tolerance; The United Kingdom had the highest number of cited publications in the citation analysis; authors commonly used six terms related to religious tolerance in titles; author collaboration was prominent among only three authors, keyword analysis identified 16 dominant terms, and abstract analysis mapped 5,219 terms into five clusters. To conclude, there is still an opportunity to develop research related to religious tolerance education in the context of multiculturalism, character education, and learning methods or models, in primary, secondary, and tertiary education, in addition to cross- disciplinary and cross-country author collaboration. This study contributes to providing a comprehensive overview of research in the field of education related to the topic of religious tolerance in Scopus-indexed journals in the last decade.
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